Shine project
For this project we got to choose what we wanted to make. I wanted to learn how to make a comic and focus more on my background design. I´m going to show you my process and my finished product.
I started off by making a plan of what I wanted to do and when I wanted to be done. I used a Grooow chain/growth chain to also map what I wanted to do in what order.
I wasn't able to finish certain stuff when I wanted to because it was a lot more work than I thought. For example the story board. I didnt get to finish it in the week that I wanted to and I just had to move on to the actual comic because otherwise I wouldn't have had enough time to finish it.
I started with writing the story for the comic. I had to scrap a chapter and merge a few other chapters together so it would be able to finish it. Some of the story from the scrapped chapter I rewrote in the other chapters.
I also rewrote the chapters so the story made a bit more sense and the scrapped stuff wouldnt cause a huge gap in the story.
I then moved on to the storyboard.
Before I started on the full comic itself I fully drew out the main characters, so coloured and everything.
The first character is named Basil, he's one of my oldest oc's. 
Then we have Moshi, she's a variant of my sona Mushroom, they look the same except the colours of the skin are switched. So my Mushroom is white with red and Moshi the opposite.
And then there's Freya the barn owl.
I also drew the main villain of the story: Lion (Very original I know haha)
I also designed 2 of the characters who would come near the end of the story. I also used the inspiration from their design for 3 other characters.
I now started with my comic, I did for most of the layers start with lineart. I did the colouring after I did all of the lineart, I split the tasks in two.
The first chapter was pretty simple but for the chapters after I had to put in a lot more detail.
I drew in total about 44 panels, it took almost a 1000 layers and many hours to finish this.
When I finished my comic I made the cover and the back side. I put everything into a document and got it printed. 
I also made a poster and stickers to display at Shine. I made the poster different than the comic cover so it wouldnt be too repetetive.
For the stickers I used the main character designs and cleaned them up a bit. I also drew Basil and one of the guards as as my oc's my story for them is that they end up as boyfriends.
Now that I have eveything printed and with me, I'm ready for shine.
For my stand at Shine I plan to bring some mushrooms with me (Little mushroom statues) and decorate my table with them. I'm also going to be able to hang my poster from the ceiling and I'm going to place my laptop to show my proces.
When Shine is done I'm going to update this project with photo's from the expo.
This was for now the end of my project.
Im REALLY happy with my end result. I also have learned some stuff about making comics and im so happy I chose to make this.
I'm proud of the work I made and it was a great learning experience.
Even though I couldnt do everything I wanted to and some things went wrong my project came out how I wanted it to.

If you enjoyed this project too, make sure to check out my other projects :)
Thank you for reading<3

